Trung Dang
I am Computer Science and Mathematics major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. My current focus is on Reinforcement Learning and the applications of AI/Perception in humanoid robotics. I am working on centroidal controls and reinforcement learning for humanoid robots at DARoS Lab at UMass Amherst, under professor Donghyun Kim and PhD student Shangqun Yu. I was formerly at the VinBigData x VinFast AI Lab, working on the applications of AI in autonomous driving. Before 2024, I am an undergraduate researcher at UMass Amherst Krastanov Lab, and a member of the NSF ERC Center for Quantum Networks. I am actively looking for researches and internships in Reinforcement Learning and Robotics. If you are interested in my work or would like to collaborate, please feel free to reach out to me via email or LinkedIn.